exhibitions | events


Reflections of Nature on Tour, Dez-Mar 2024

Exhibition with photographer Patrizia Fenzl, OTH, Weiden




Reflections of Nature on Tour, Oct-Nov 2023

Exhibition with photographer Patrizia Fenzl, OTH, Amberg


The exhibition at OTH Amberg is being organized by climate protection manager Thomas Schröpf from the Institute for Sustainability and Ethics. "With the exhibition, we want to show the vulnerability and versatility of nature in order to raise awareness and achieve greater visibility for climate protection. After all, nature can also be protected through climate protection," he explains.


More information: Klimaschutz und Kunst – Ausstellung zeigt Fragilität unserer Umwelt (oth-aw.de)

Reflections of Nature, April-May 2023

Exhibition with photographer Patrizia Fenzl, Universität, Passau


The show is the third joint art project by Patrizia and me, in which painting and photography merge in color and form to create a symbiotic and aesthetic unity. Through our different approaches, we illustrate the fragility of nature. On one hand, we show how beautiful and multifaceted our environment is, and on the other, we address the effects of the climate crisis and species extinction. 


More information: Die Kraft der Natur in Bildern • Universität Passau (uni-passau.de)


Kunstnacht, July 2022

Solo exhibition, ANTON & Café Schöffberger, Passau

The solo exhibition in one of the most renowned cafés in Passau was all about humans' relationship with other animals, endangered species and the climate crisis. The paintings, sculptures and installations were positioned in four large windows and two smaller vitrines framing the entrance. Several spotlights highlighted the works at night.


Exhibition with photographer Patrizia Fenzl, Restaurant Pomeranz

Patrizia and I very quickly noticed that we not only get along very well on a personal level, but also that our artistic practices make a surprisingly harmonic match. Patrizia's close-up photographs and my paintings are very different in their style and media, yet the colour combinations and shapes we prefer combine beautifully in a mutually reinforcing way.


More information about "Kunstnacht Passau": www.kunstnachtpassau.de

Kunstfrühling, April 2022

Group exhibition with the topic of "Spring" in the City Center Landshut.

Youth Environmental Education Congress, Mar 13 - 17, 2022

Between the 13th and 17th of March I participated in the Youth Environmental Education Congress (YEEC), facilitated a workshop on environmental arts and was given the opportunity to hold a speech in front of the the 11. World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) in Prague, Czech Republic. 


DisturBalance | UnRuhe, July 25 - Aug 15, 2020

DisturBalance | UnRuhe took place in the beautiful gallery "Donauatelier" next to the Danube river. It was a reaction to current global challenges such as the climate crisis, species extinction and COVID-19. I firmly believe that art is a medium to emotionally connect to complex issues and to gather the motivation needed for sustainable actions (e.g. wasting less, changing eating habits, supporting NGOs).

I am very grateful for the insightful conversations I had with visitors, for their encouraging feedback and for many moments of connection.


Watch the TV report here.

I also featured works of my dear artist friend Juliane Breit.

Location: Donauatelier Kulturmodell, Bräugasse 9, 94032 Passau, Germany

ARE YOU (coming) WITH ME?, Jan 27 - Feb 29, 2020 (ext. Apr 27)

ARE YOU (coming) WITH ME? is about the relationship to life - human as well as non human. The exhibition explores how underlying connections can close the gap between humans and other living beings. I invite you to dive into nearly lost worlds by asking: "What if humans are not that different from other animals? What if we were living in harmony with the environment?" It is essential to think about these questions if the human race wants to survive current anthropological challenges like species extinction and climate change. The main works deal with the downside of human actions (such as pollution and factory farming), the voices of the unheard, but they also speak of hope and change.

press release | article


In the exhibition I also featured works of my dear creative friend Edith Spieler.

Special thanks to Fridays for Future Passau for contributing posters.

Location: Foyer der Zentralbliothek, Innstraße 29, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2020 P. Fenzl photography


LitProduits, Nov 1 - Dec 21, 2019

LitProduits resided in the most beautiful café and cinema in town. On the one hand, the title of the exhibition refers to its location: ProLi. On the other hand, it is a pun with the slang word "lit", which is quite commonly used among young people to express that something is "awesome, cool, hot". 

The idea, however, was not to advertise "lit products" (as it is often done in the pre-Christmas season)! On the contrary, my aim was to remind the visitors that truly "lit" things come for free. Thus, thee fourteen works created a soulful and cozy atmosphere for this special time of the year.


Special thanks to ProLi for hosting the exhibition

Location: ProLi Café und Kino, Unterer Sand 13, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2019 hansshotthis photography

Drink and Draw, July 5/6, 2019

My first "Drink and Draw" evening was a special event of the Night of the Arts in Passau. For a few hours the free creative space offered various materials for everyone to draw, paint or experiment with collages alone or with friends. Many artworks were created and it was truly fun for everyone involved.

Special thanks to Heimatministerium der Moderne for hosting the event | Location: HmdM, Parkstr. 2, 94034 Passau, Germany

KunstWerk im KaffeeWerk, May 3 - Jun 30, 2019

This nearly 2-months exhibition was located in (most likely) the most popular café in town. The idea was to create a positive, relaxed and summery atmosphere with more than 40 colourful works on canvas, wood, paper, some photographs and one sculpture.

The opening night was truly memorable. The cozy room was not only filled with artworks, but also with dozens of beautiful people, delicious drinks and inspiring conversations. Again, I am most thankful for everyone who made this day special.


Special thanks to KaffeeWerk for hosting the exhibition & to my three artist friends who contributed some of their own works to Kunstwerk im KaffeeWerk.

Location: KaffeeWerk, Kirchenplatz 3, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2019 D. Dimian photography

comfort zone ii, Jun 8 - 27, 2019

Of course: it is more comfortable to remain in ones own comfort zone, but we can only develop and grow if we leave that 'safe space'. By crossing my own boundaries and thus revealing my vulnerability and insecurity (in short: humanness), I invite you to do the same. For the first time ever I also included my most personal sketches as well as my sketchbook, in which you will find numerous fragments of fleeting moments, ideas and emotions. Moreover, I once again included the results of one of my past interactive projects. It is my aim to subtly invite you to feel your own comfort zone, question its (self-made) boundaries and, possibly, to step out of it. (read more)

Location: Innstraße 29, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2019 P. Fenzl photography

komfortzone, Apr 15 - May 16, 2019

As the title komfortzone suggests, the exhibition was very personal to me, as I displayed works that are dearest to me and also included two interactive installations with more than 200 personal contributions from visitors of my previous exhibitions. In that way I allowed every visitor to step inside of my comfort zone as well as out of their own. I really enjoyed the time I spent in the KulturSalon's two spacious ground-floor rooms dedicated to komfortzone. (read more)


Special thanks to the Student Union for Niederbayern/Oberpfalz who made "komfortzone" possible & to Moses Moretti who designed the amazing posters.

Location: KulturSalon, Franz-Stockbauer-Weg 3, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2019 D. Dimian photography


All We Want For Christmas...,  Dec 7, 2018

With my solo exhibition All We Want For Christmas... I contributed to the traditional International Christmas Night at Passau University for the second year in a row.

In the centre of my exhibition was a huge heart consisting of dozens of sticky notes on which participants of my previous exhibition, CONNECTION, had written down their deepest wishes.

In the conclusion, all we want for Christmas (and always for that matter) are: Love - Joy - Health - Peace - Truth.

The exhibition was accompanied by an intercultural entertaining programme (i.e. food, drinks, music/singing/dancing, DIY workshops, a fotobooth, charity stalls...).


Special thanks to the Student Association of the Philosophical Faculty who made "All We Want For Christmas..." possible.

Location: Innstraße 40, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2018 D. Hamo photography

CONNECTION, Nov 5 - Dec 7, 2018

Connection was my first big solo exhibition including my most recent drawings, paintings, sculptures as well as an interactive installation in which visitors were invited to actively participate - which they did. I am so grateful for everyone who contributed in one way or the other with all my heart.

It was an extraordinary time for me and an extremely emotional one.

Every painting was accompanied by a little text and mostly also extracts of poems which were written in the time I created the paintings. Soul bonds - connections - remain regardless of time and space. The exhibition is as much about my own experiences as it is about everyone. It is universal.

I chose the title Connection to encourage the visitors to consider that everything on earth and in the universe is inseparably connected: all is one.


Special thanks to the brilliant digital artist Moses Moretti who designed the poster for "CONNECTION".

Location: Innstraße 29, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2018 D. Dimian photography

Night of the arts, 20th July 2018

As an artist, but most of all as a person, I thank everyone who gave me the honour and pleasure of participating in my exhibition and who supported me along the way.

I might have given it a heart, but you contributed to giving it a soul!

It was a truly memorable event with visitors of all age-groups and from various countries across the globe, ...from families with children, friends, students, elderly people to dogs.

Thank you for sharing these precious moments with me and with each otherSpread the love.


The exhibition "Inside/Outside Reality" was a cooperation with the wonderful artists Adrian Barchet and Max Rübensal.

Location: Rathausplatz 1, 94032 Passau, Germany

© 2018 K. Mazumdar photography


Emotions, 01.-03.2017

Metamorphosis, 04.2017

Fühl-Chaos, 14.07.2017

Culturenight, 30.07.17

Christmas, 15.12.17